Michael James

Michael James has been an avid options and cryptocurrency trader for many years. With a background in technical analysis and options trading, he's helped thousands of investors navigate the markets.

Trump’s Tariff Hike to End Bull Market?

Thought the trade talks were going well? So did scores of other investors, ready for the two sides to finally end hostilities after months...

Why Apple Stock is Ready to Rally

Last quarter, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) saw the worst sequential drop ever for Q1 iPhone revenue in company history. It should’ve sent investors running...

Is Google Dying?

There’s trouble brewing at Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ: GOOG), parent company of Google – our long-standing “internet overlords” who control almost 90% of the web...

GDP Growth Blows Past Expectations

Recession? What recession? Earlier this morning, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the U.S. economy grew by 3.2% in the first quarter of 2019....

Investors Are Afraid of THIS Key Indicator

It’s official – the market is near its all-time-highs once again. All the major indexes are topping out, and as a result, investors are...

Trump Saves Harley Davidson

Harley’s hurting – there’s no doubt about it. Falling demand, heightened material costs (due to U.S. tariffs), and European taxes on imports have severely impacted...

This 1 Pot Stock Just Rebooted “Big Marijuana”

Thought the pot stock hysteria was over? Scores of investors did too, as evidenced by a share price slump spanning nearly the entire sector...

Think the Rally’s Done? Think Again

With the market approaching record prices yet again, analysts around the world are starting to get worried – white-knuckling their financial reports in anticipation...

Did JP Morgan Just Restart the Bull Run?

Thought the post-Christmas rally was over? Not so fast, say JP Morgan (NYSE: JPM) and Disney (NYSE: DIS) – two market leaders that sent the...

New Bill Could Send TSLA Shares Skyrocketing

Bipartisan lawmakers in Washington are planning to introduce a bill that will expand federal tax credits for buyers of electric vehicles (EV) – marking...